If you happened to click on this article and are interested in memorizing the previous thirty five capitals you will find them archived on this web page. So here is my eighth post on memorizing the US state capitals. Again, please take a moment to read the April post regarding how our memory tends to […]
Tag: Public Speakers
A Hamster flying the Concorde! Montana to New Jersey.
Here is the sixth post on memorizing the US state capitals. The first twenty five capitals, Alabama to Missouri, you can find under my May and June posts. Again, please take a moment to read the April post regarding how our memory tends to cling to the absurd and make sure you are reviewing the […]
Sarah Palin, a Red Bull and Casper the friendly ghost.
OK I know it’s a worn out cliché that most people rank the fear of public speaking as their #1 fear above even death. To paraphrase Jerry Seinfeld, at a funeral, most people would rather be lying in the casket than giving the eulogy. Well for most people the fear is real and it comes […]