In this video, Bob Gray shares his experience with a vendor who offered to save him a $15 delivery charge if he could say a long word backwards. This skill is one for which he is in the Guinness Book of Records. The vendor’s personalized approach, including visiting Bob’s website and tailoring the email, made […]
Category: Blog
Better memory better sales (VIDEO)
Better memory better sales. How often have you attended a networking event and you bump into someone you’ve met before and you cannot remember a thing about them? Imagine the impact you could have on your business and your sales if you could walk into a networking event and recall the names of everyone […]
Digital Amnesia
Bob’s latest Keynote Presentation: Digital Amnesia How Technology is Stealing Your Brain…and how to steal it back! Digital Amnesia: The experience of forgetting something important because you trust a connected device! Since we’ve been able to place more memory power in the palm of our hand than was used to land a man on the […]
Client Customization
Client Customization Memory Demo Here I show a customized ending to a keynote for my Australian client. One of my biggest challenges when I keynote is convincing the audience that I do NOT have an innate ability to remember things, it is not a ‘natural’ ability…it is an application of systems that ANYONE can learn, […]
The 10% Brain Myth
Do we use only 10% of our Brain? Ask the average person what percentage of our brain we use and the majority will say 10%, very few will say we use 100%, which would be the correct answer. Imaging methods have shown that even simple tasks produce activity throughout the whole brain. So where did […]
Ever had the odd Senior Moment?
Forget about it! For those of us in our 50’s or older, here’s a question. When you were in high school or university and you forgot something, did you ever say, ‘Oh dear, another university senior moment’? Of course you didn’t, you probably just brushed it off without as much as a second thought. […]
Remember names…lend your brain some money!
….and remember people’s names
Remember Presentations
….without the aid of notes!
The Memory Palace go-to Memory System
Don’t forget to pick up some Eggs. While at work, have you ever received a phone call from home asking you to pick up a few groceries from the store, or been told not to forget to book your dental or doctors appointment as you leave the house? How about trying to remember to write […]
How Do I Remember Names?
Benjamin Franklin sings Bob Seger. How do I remember names? The number one recall question I have been asked over the years. I have said many times that memory techniques are based on linking or associating what we wish to remember, to something we already know. This is why we recall the shape of Italy as […]