Category: Blog

Why can I remember golf shots, yet can’t remember names?

Why can I remember golf shots, yet can’t remember names?

After my regular Sunday round of golf with my pals, we sat in the clubhouse, just as we have for the past 30 years, and we had a few beers and recounted the great, and more often the ‘not so great’ shots. I asked one of them, “What did you hit on the 3rd?”  He […]

How to improve your study habits

Want to improve your study habits? Sleeping on it might just be the best advice when it comes to studying. Over the years there have been various studies indicating that if you retire to bed directly after studying, your recall of the material is enhanced by up to 6.5%. (Johnson and Swan). That could be […]

Can we do anything about dementia?

How to help Stave off Dementia What’s the most effective way to keep your brain healthy and stave off dementia as you age? You may not want to hear the answer….but it’s physical exercise, the type most of us hate, where we elevate our heart rate for at least 30 minutes several times a week….but […]

Hand clenching to improve your memory

Unilateral hand clenching increases neuronal activity in the frontal lobe of the contralateral hemisphere. Such hand clenching is also associated with increased experiencing of a given hemisphere’s ‘mode of processing’…….or so the authors of a recent report state! Wonderful! What’s that in English? This study out of Montclair State University suggests that by clenching our […]

Memory in the age of Google

I am often asked “Why do we need to develop our memory when we have Google?” Here is a short Skype interview with my friend Terry Brock. Funny, unique and interactive in his entertaining conference keynotes and workshops, Bob Gray reveals the untapped potential in each of us. His empowering systems and their many applications in the business […]

Should you cram for exams?

Do you cram for exams? Do you typically spend hours cramming the night before? We have all had instances in our lives where we have fallen behind in our studies, or we just plain procrastinate and leave our studying until the last minute.  It may work for you, but it’s certainly not the best use of […]

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